Monday, 27 July 2009

Short Movie: Isle be Damned

This was filmed on Lamma Island back in January.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Asia-Pacific Boating Magazine shoot, July-August 2009 issue

Got the cover for APB. Another great shoot with Gabbard Studio. I also got to work with Irina P. and Imola F. again.

Some photos from behind the scenes taken by my BB so the quality is poor...

Makeup for Renee Dai in Chengdu, June 20th 2009

I was flown up for the event and did her makeup, as well as Angie's (the host for the awards show) The event was for 成都競歌王頒獎典禮 (an awards ceremony and show for artists from China, Taiwan and Hong Kong).

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Behind the Scenes...

Working in Special Effects for the movie, "Seventh Moon".

The making of Schiller's music video for the song, "Let Me Love You".

The video itself (sorry, it won't embed).

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Asia Spa Magazine Editorial, May/June 2009

Luxury Properties Magazine, Spring Issue 2009

Asia-Pacific Boating Magazine Editorial, March-April 2009

TimeOut Hong Kong Magazine Editorial, March 4-17 2009

Dior Fall/Winter 2008 Advertorial

Getting to work with one of China's top models, Dai Xiao Yi was a blast! Shot by Gabbard Studio.

Dior Fine Jewelry Advertorial

These were shot in November 2008 by Gabbard Studio and appeared in May 2009's Hong Kong Tatler Magazine

Bits and Pieces From the Past

An example of the Special Effects make up I do

With Sherman Chung at her CD release party

Behind the scenes with Maria Codero on her cooking show where I did her make up

Backstage at Burberry's Fall/Winter 2007 show

Backstage at a Cable TV Event

On location at what used to be Hei Hei Club for Metro Magazine Editorial

In studio for Marie Claire shoot